The objective of this project is to create a technology technically viable and economically feasible, with low environmental impact, capable of transforming wave energy into electrical energy. The project could constitute a model of study for an academic interdisciplinary project, in which most of the programmes of our faculty are involved.
We have set as a first goal the construction of a prototype that will be tested in a pool for nautical trials; afterwards, the experience obtained will be used on a 1:20 scale device, which will allow us to adjust the parameters of design, so as to finally build the 1:1 prototype.
Our final aim is to generate water parks with these devices to supply electric power to dispersed populations of our Patagonian coast.
The academic nature of this project leads to the training of professionals in the subject of applied technological research. Consequently, we are working on the basis of teaching professionals, whom act as leaders of groups formed by young professionals and students.
Location of the devices
This project was intended to create “modular parks for harnessing wave energy”; the idea is to bring together a number of these devices to meet the energy requirements of a community that, in principle, would not be connected to the electrical grid supply.
Also these “parks” could apply the excess energy to industries, charging of batteries, hydrogen generation and even, in the future, they could work as suppliers of the National Electric Grid System.
The energy parks would be located at medium distances from the coast and the energy would be transferred via a submarine cable, where the processing and distribution station of the electric current, would be located.
The premise for the design of the experimental prototype was realized proposing the coast of Mar del Plata city as the initial stage, where the average of the waves is 1.2 m, and the field of activity has a depth ranging from 5 to 10 meters.
This location is appropriate for the proximity to the city of Buenos Aires and the logistics that can provided by both the National University of Mar del Plata and the delegation of the National Technological University.
Finally, the oceanographic group has determined that the Patagonian area, especially in the provinces of Chubut and Santa Cruz (South Argentina), has several places where this advantage would have the best working conditions.